Amy is from Leicestershire and graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2016. She worked in small animal practice in Leicester for three years, before spending five months in Australia working as a vet and travelling around the country. She then joined us in June 2020. Amy enjoys all aspects of small animal practice. She…

Ollie was born and raised in Leicestershire . He studied at Bristol Veterinary School and graduated in the summer of 2020. He now lives around Melton Mowbray with his partner Sally who is also a small animal Vet. He enjoys all aspects of Veterinary but has a keen interest in surgery. Outside of work he enjoys watching sports,…
Robyn Platts MRCVS Robyn graduated from Nottingham Vet School in 2021. She grew up in the local area and has worked at Kings since qualifying. She enjoys all aspects of general practice, particularly medicine cases and caring for our older patients. At home she lives with her partner, Maisy the cat & Jeffrey the spaniel…